Thursday, March 04, 2004

Rant: Bush & Gay Marriage

Dear Nathan:

I truly enjoy your website and your twisted look at today's advertising.  But I want to congratulate you on your stand regarding President Bush and same-sex marriages.  As a gay man (single and unattached) with a sister who's in a long-term lesbian relationship, I am also appalled by our alleged Commander-In-Chief deciding who should benefit and who should not.  I'm also appalled that his vice president, who has a gay daughter, is backing down from his original stand that gay marriages is a state and NOT a federal issue. 
What I do with my personal life is not any of Mr. Bush's business, as long as I obey the law, pay my taxes and contribute to society.  And speaking of taxes, I do so every year.  I DON'T pay taxes to a nation that discriminates or puts disadvantaged people in a box.  I also don't pay taxes to a narrow-minded government that doesn't seem to realize that any particular religion is sanctioned by the state. 
Am I voting for John Kerry?  Damn straight (sorry)!  I'm counting the days when intolerance and hatred will be gone from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Keep up the good work.

Mike S.
Las Vegas, NV

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