Subject: Commercials I Hate
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 03:06:05 -0400
From: "dreamweavercatcher" (
To: nathan @
It's an amazing society we live in these days. I mean when some lonely pretty boy punk has nothing better to do than to sit around and bitch about the shit being shown on TV--and then to actually dedicate the time and effort to making a web site about it, just flat out amazes me. I know when I see shit on TV I don't like, I just change the fucking channel, it's that simple. But then again I don't have the time to sit around and watch TV to the point of being motivated enough to contribute a tremendous portion of my life to analyse commercials--give me a fucking break. If you've got that much time on your hands, why don't you do the world a favor and piss on a high output electrical generator. That would be something worth showing on TV. But the world does need people like you--those that pursue and acheive a college degree, and then become a tree stump and do nothing but bitch and moan about something they have no control over. Then there's folks like me--people that use their head and do cool shit, like teach young men and women how to fly F-15 fighters for a living, make damn good money for it, have bragging rights, and have everything else a person could ask for. But I suppose these variations in our society just keeps the economy balanced in our wonderful country. Sincerely, A highly motivated, dedicated, never going to quit kicking ass, red-blooded American.
Friday, October 25, 2002
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Subject: Re: Commercials I Hate
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 13:45:04 -0400
From: Nathan Alexander (nathan @
Dear "Dream Weaver Catcher",
Thanks for visiting my website. It's nice to receive mail from a dedicated reader.
However, I'm not sure what would motivate you to spend your valuable time writing an abusive and uninformed e-mail to a total stranger.
I'm glad you feel that you know all about me from my website - it's nice to get close to your readers. It's a shame though, that my website seems to paint such a nasty portait of me. I'll have to go back and take another look at it.
I've never once imagined myself as a lonely punk, although "pretty boy" does have a nice ring to it.
I assume you've seen my picture and I'm flattered.
You have it mixed up though. I didn't pursue and achieve a college degree and THEN become a tree stump. I made the website when I was 18, and THEN I pursued and received my college degree.
I should probably correct you on another matter. I don't "sit around and bitch". As you pointed out so eloquently, I decided to get up and do something by creating a website. While others may simply have changed the channel, I provided an outlet for the frustrations of the average consumer. After all, if you're annoyed enough to change the channel, shouldn't we try to change advertising?
I should point out though, that the website is about Commercials I Hate, not about shit on tv. You don't really see shit on tv nowadays unless you're watching a nature show or something like that.
There might be a website dedicated to shit on television, but I've not had the time to look for it.
Of course it was different 7 years ago when I was 18. Back then I had "nothing better to do with my time" than build a website, as you correctly guessed. Now that I work full time I only have time to update every now and then. I'm glad that you're concerned about my time management, though, and I'll take it into consideration.
I like that you're amazed by my efforts, and it's nice that you do cool shit. After all, the world needs more cool shit, as opposed to the rather warm heaps produced by most animals.
I'd really love the opportunity to see someone fly an F-15 with their head. I'm sure it's an extraordinary talent. I hope America's enemies wet their pants when they see it.
They may even pee on a high output electrical generator, which you've suggested I would be doing the world a favor by attempting. Assuming I could find one, I really don't see how productive it would be. It could kill me and possibly damage the generator, and we have enough power concerns as it is here in California.
Besides, I'm not finished here. I'm still pursuing my goal of being a commercial and music video director. Hopefully one day you won't have to change the channel in the middle of something you were watching, simply to avoid an annoying advertisement.
I'm touched to hear that you feel you have everything a person could ask for. One day when I'm married and have a family, I'm sure I will feel the same way. I hope you never quit kicking ass, Dream Weaver Catcher.
Take care and God Bless America.
Nathan Alexander
Commercials I Hate .com
Hey Catcher ,
It's pretty amazing that we live in a society where there's folks like you who claim to "use their head" , and give flight instruction to "young men and women" and , BTW , ooohh ! , I'm Impressed , not to mention making "damn good money" , to sit around and bitch about a website !
When I see a shit I don't like , I point and click and move on . pretty Fuckin simple ;)
You say you don't have time to sit aroud and analyze what you see on t.v.
(note my correct spelling of the word Analyse ) But yet you somehow find time to bitch about this site . Pretty Fuckin amazing .
The world does need people like you, but we're not quite sure what for !
If you have anything to do with the training of our future military aviators
Then we're in worse shape than I thought . Then again you are
A highly motivated , never going to quit kissing ass , sad pathetic all-american looser
Quit yer bitchin and get a life .
- SteeleRail
I dunno Anthony, I think he's trying to recruit you. Don't you want to drive a fancy car like his?
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