Friday, April 30, 2004

spent alot of time at your website

O.K. I agree but how long has it been since you watched television.  What about the singing blobs on the Quiznos ad.  The gay guy on UPN at night "I work 40 hrs a week and I don't have time to meet cool guys" I'm not gay why should I have to watch this?

Now I address the phone whores, "call me now bla bla bla" i can jerk off without spending $5.00 a minute.  Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through?  They don't think we're stupid, they think we're retarded.  Lastly, if I'm paying for dish or cable, why should I have to watch commercials in the first place.  That's a free T.V. concept so the networks can stay in business.  Wasn't the original concept of cable, many channels and no commercials because you the consumer are paying the network fees.  Now I have to watch (stupid) commercials on a service I already pay for and then want even more for the Internet.  How much can one piece of wire cost? (ads included).  I guess I need my own web page because I am rambling and maybe these things don't make much sense to you, I have alot to say about ads but not much space.

     I do like you web page and agree that advertisers have gone too far, keep up the good work and I hope you make the blinkerfluid list again. (thats how i found you)

thanks for your ear (eyes)

Fred Meyer

Thursday, April 29, 2004


I came accross your site whilst looking for hate groups (do you know how
many KKK groups are in your country?). I work in marketing and to a large
extent I agree that there is a lot of shit adverts but why not check out
what we are doing over here in england. We are really taking things a
step further. Our new project is called 'bodybillboard". You will have
the opportunity to put your company name onto prominent figures in chosen
sub-groups. For instance - you want to reach the fashionista - you can
put a tattoo of your logo on one of our human billboards who is embedded
in the group. We cover almost every age group and sub-culture except
under 16's but we are working on having kids tatooed abroad and bringing
them into the country because as we know, kids are always copying each
other and if one has a swoosh they will all want one! So now you see,
it's not all boring stuff -we can all have fun with marketing. If you
want to know more of what we do get in touch. I'm sure you'll be


David Rogerson
Rogerson and Pickering

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Commercials I hate


   I found your website through an email newsletter called "The Mouthpiece". Just thought I'd drop you a line to let you know that I enjoyed it, as I've hated advertising for years. About the only commercial I actually like is a public service announcement that aired here in the "Inland Empire" a few years back that featured a fellow who was called Crack-head Bob, but I probably enjoyed it for all the wrong reasons.

   I got fed up with the garbage on television last year, and turned my cable box in, so I don't watch television at all these days, but I do listen to radio, and one of the ads that irritates me the most is for the Inland Center Mall. It's a holiday ad, which is bad enough, but it also throws in the tired old "men are stupid" chestnut, it also implies that women, ALL women, want jewelry and the only way to get it from their lazy, stupid husbands is via deceit. Too bad radio spots are a local phenomenon, otherwise, you'd probably lambaste them as well.

Keep up the good work,



yeah, about the triscuit commercial u hate... i have a full-sized oven in my dorm... altho it's not nearly as plush a room as that commercial.. it is pretty nice tho

- AFIFinchMan

Great site

Hi there,

I came across your site today through a link in an e-mail someone sent me and I’ve just spent the best part of an hour going through it all – great stuff!!

Anyway, I came to the Gatorade flavour stuff, and at the end saw that you’ve finally “identified” the flavours used… Except…  Alpine Snow is said to be citrus, while Whitewater Splash is lime.  Does that mean that Alpine snow has every citrus fruit EXCEPT lime? What’s so special about lime that it gets a whole drink to itself?  And who thinks that you can grow lemons, oranges etc. in the Alps, or strawberries in huge blocks of ice?  I’m not suggesting, of course, that you could grow and harvest lemons in a raging river, but it’s closer to reality than growing berries in ice.

Just something for you to mull over.

Anyway, like I said, great site – just wish I’d come across it years before.


PS.  What about Cool Original Doritos?  Cool what?  Are they suggesting that’s what coldness tastes like?  You live in the US, so maybe you’re privy to the secret we in Europe can only dream about finding out!

Your web site is incredible..... All the things I have ever thought about dumb commercials actually written down!!
 I killed at least an hour at work reading it. It makes me smile just thinking about it. *Sigh..... I love the internet.  

New devoted fan,


Daily Lesson for Web Idiots

Thank you ! Thank you !

Add, youve got - I got - etc. to your list.

 Most of the major advertising agencies, and news papers, must not have writers and proof readers, or (there) Editors can't read.

 I am 75 years on this orb and I believe that this 25 year span has had the most illiterate mass of people I have had the opportunity to encounter.

An anecdote:  16 years past, I had a position of Sales Application Engineer for an Electronics firm.  One of the younger sales persons was studying for his Masters, driving to a University 85 miles away , twice a week for classes.. He gave me a paper that he had written on a published Classic, by a well known author.  He asked me to read and critique his paper. I was astounded!  I asked him where he had found the material, in that book, that he had written about.  I told him that the books meaning was not even close to what he had written.  We discussed what he thought the book was about, and I asked him if he had  a common dictionary at hand when he was reading.  He said no, he never used a dictionary.  I suggested that he reread  the book with a dictionary at hand, and to look up every word that he that thought that he knew the meaning of. Two weeks later he told me I had completely destroyed his confidence in his self, but that he could now see why the book was on the Professors reading list.

The real pathetic irony of this narative is - His mother is a high school English teacher. 

Thank you, again.


note on one of your entries

Just happened across your site and I say Kudos!  Someone needs to show how stupid some commericals are!

One thing I saw I might comment on, however:

>Not saying what the product is or does
>Another brain-stumping error in the world of TV advertising.
>Most common with medication
>(you'd think it's an important detail, knowing what the medicine is for).

I have heard, though I am no lawyer and can't say for sure, that the real reason you so often see these medication commericals that do not clearly say what the product does is b/c there is some kind of Federal ruling that disallows these companies from doing just that for a specified amount of time.  There is some kind of waiting period, that makes no sense to me, but when a company with a new drug is able to start advertising it but they can't actually say verbatim in the ad what it does.  Don't ask me about the logic... I guess the drug companies found a loophole so they could at least get the name out there first.  Then later they are able to show both the name and what it does.  Go figure.

- Will Seay

Friday, April 23, 2004

listen to this

I found your site and it only took 5 min before I was laughing non-stop. There are SOOOO many stupid commercials out there and there is one that I've seen repeatedly that has to be at least a Silver winner. I live in Utah so maybe you haven't seen it, but it's for Focus Factor. The commercial blabs on about how this "magic pill" will enhance your thinking process and make you remember things easier or some shit like that. But near the end the guy says "We're giving it away FREE, cause we know that once you try it, you'll want to buy it." Then they show some street interviews where this nasty lookin fat lady caps off the commercial with her line. "They're giving it away FREE? It must be good!" WHAT THE HELL? If they're giving it away for free it must be a piece of shit. Look at AOL for crying out loud. Thought you might've liked to hear about this one. Thanks for reading my letter (if you do)


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Just wanted to say I came across your website, and I have to tell you it is the funniest website I've come across in a long time. Thanks for making my day!

Stephanie Swindle

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

good for you!

Hi Nathan, I couldn’t agree with you more on your response to “dreamweaver catcher”.  Enough
Said, and I admire your column, along with learning much from it.  Your column has helped
Me to recognize a lot of this hype that commercials attempt to drown us in.  We’re not idiots…
Well at least most of us aren’t, and it gets tiring being treated as such. 

Wendy in Wyoming

Monday, April 19, 2004

Thank you thank you thank you!

Your site kicks ass! I luv u! Marry me? J/K I saw that part about no love slaves. I did want to say I agreed with you on every single one of those commercials! I hate them so much! Another one that always got me was a Mervyn's commercial with some lady with short red hair (I think it was red, and she might actually be a comedian)... it made me want to stomp my foot down her throat!!!!!!! Grrr!!! Sorry but it really got to me for some reason... maybe even more than those damned AT&T commercials with CarrotTop... Now there's annoying... but seriously u rock, and so does the website! Keep up the great work!


Friday, April 16, 2004

Daily Lesson for Web Idiots


Today I 'stumbled' upon your web site and laughed until I cried at what I read--specifically the Daily lesson for web idiots.   I am so sick of reading postings from people who don't seem to have any command of the english written language!!  They must have slept through the first 6 years of elementary school to not have learned about contractions (you're vs. your and they're and their/there) and grammar and punctuation.  God help us.  How can they possibly operate in this world.  I know!!  Because no one calls them on it.  Society just accepts (or excepts) their 'flaws'.  Too bad they must think they're right (or write, or wright) and they must think we're (were) the dumb ones when they read (red) our messages (massages).

If you decide to reply, please don't be too (to, two) harsh.  I cry easily.

- Linda McCray

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Laughing my a** off!!!!!

Dear Nathan -

I'm sure you've heard this hundreds of times, but I just had to say that you're funnier than hell!
I just about choked while laughing after reading the Gatorade "Bob & Ken" piece.
It's nice to know there are people out there who share my horror of pop culture advertising practices.
And I *heart* the Fab 5.
