Monday, March 08, 2004

Commercials I hate

I ran across your website while researching an assignment.  I agree with most of what you had to say about the stupidity of television advertising.  However, I was unable use most of it verbatim, or to print any of it for use as examples in class because of your deplorable language.  You are obviously an intelligent
person.  Unfortunately that fact is well hidden by the vulgar language and inability to express yourself in a tasteful and intelligent manner.  Perhaps your views would be more readily accepted and broadcast if you worked a little harder to be less offensive.  It’s too bad that your language rivals the tasteless adds your are criticizing! 

I’m not trying to start anything…just wish I could have, in good conscience, referenced some of your work.


1 comment:

Nathan Alexander said...

I just noticed the JC stands for Joan Chandler!

For a minute I thought I was getting a lecture from Jesus Christ.

Commercials I Hate