Friday, October 25, 2002


Subject: Commercials I Hate
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 03:06:05 -0400
From: "dreamweavercatcher" (
To: nathan @

It's an amazing society we live in these days. I mean when some lonely pretty boy punk has nothing better to do than to sit around and bitch about the shit being shown on TV--and then to actually dedicate the time and effort to making a web site about it, just flat out amazes me. I know when I see shit on TV I don't like, I just change the fucking channel, it's that simple. But then again I don't have the time to sit around and watch TV to the point of being motivated enough to contribute a tremendous portion of my life to analyse commercials--give me a fucking break. If you've got that much time on your hands, why don't you do the world a favor and piss on a high output electrical generator. That would be something worth showing on TV. But the world does need people like you--those that pursue and acheive a college degree, and then become a tree stump and do nothing but bitch and moan about something they have no control over. Then there's folks like me--people that use their head and do cool shit, like teach young men and women how to fly F-15 fighters for a living, make damn good money for it, have bragging rights, and have everything else a person could ask for. But I suppose these variations in our society just keeps the economy balanced in our wonderful country. Sincerely, A highly motivated, dedicated, never going to quit kicking ass, red-blooded American.

Friday, May 24, 2002


Subject: Rufus
Fri, 24 May 2002 11:39:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Norma

I love Rufus! I want to adopt his sister. No such luck of that happening so please, can you tell
this not so young lady what breed he is? Thank you.

Wednesday, April 03, 2002


Subject: gatorade
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 21:38:04 EST
To: nathan @

The Alpine Snow frost was my favorite flavor and it was stopped
being made.
So I would really appreciate if you can please start making the
Alpine Snow
Frost thank you.

Subject: Re: gatorade
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 19:57:38 +0000
From: Nathan Alexander <nathan @>

I'm pretty sure you know I don't work for Gatorade,
since I said all those nasty things about Gatorade on my website.
I'm afraid I don't have the capacity to start making Alpine Snow.
I can pee, but that's about the best I can do.

-Nathan Alexander
Commercials I Hate

Subject: Re: gatorade
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 09:46:14 EST
To: nathan @

please please please start making Alpine Snow.

Subject: hi
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 15:47:13 EDT
To: nathan @

make Alpine Snow for the US

Subject: Re: hi
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 16:10:54 -0400
From: <nathan @>

Perhaps I didn't make it clear enough
that I do not work for Gatorade
and have no affiliation with Gatorade whatsoever.

I have had absolutely no involvement in the decision to discontinue
the "Frost" Alpine Snow flavor, and I'm actually glad
about it because I think the flavor was a bonehead move in the
first place. I think we all know what snow tastes like, Alpine
or not. If I want a beverage that tastes like snow, I will drink
the Burbank tap water that comes out of my kitchen faucet. I
often do.

I'd also like to point out that Gatorade is absolutely loaded
with sodium, despite its vague claim of "Low Sodium"
on the label.
It's true that the sodium level is low compared to a
canister of table salt, but the sodium level in Gatorade is higher,
not lower than competing sports drinks like Powerade.

You would be much better off drinking water, which, as I have
already pointed out, tastes
exactly like snow. If you drink Evian you are actually drinking
melted Alpine snow straight from the fucking Alps.

If you are looking for a beverage comparable to the old Gatorade
Frost, I'd like to suggest Powerade's Arctic Shatter, a white
variety that tastes like the sugar-water kids feed to
caterpillars in an 8th grade Biology class.

If that's not close enough for you, why not take grapefruit
juice and dilute it 10:1 with soapy dishwater? That's what the
stuff always tasted like to me.

If you have any further concerns, I suggest you take it up
with the Gatorade people.
Thank you so much,

Nathan Alexander
Commercials I Hate

Subject: Re: hi
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 21:19:38 EDT
To: nathan @

Do you know the email address for the Gatorade people.

Subject: Re: Re: hi
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 13:29:05 -0400
From: <nathan @>

I've managed to deduce from our previous correspondence that
you have access to something called the internet. It may interest
you to know that the internet is not only a way to annoy strangers,
but also a powerful research tool. You may find special web sites
called "search engines," devoted to finding things.
A popular one can be found at . Why not
search for "Gatorade" and see where it takes you? Happy
hunting, and good luck in the wide open world of the internet!

Nathan Alexander
Commercials I Hate