Saturday, April 19, 2003

Parents: The Anti-Drug

This commercial has been played TO DEATH.  I've heard that some people can recite every line, verbatem.  I'm am so tired of seeing it.  Granted, drug use is a serious problem.  But the commercial encourages parents to make accusations without foundation.  The only thing this commercial has done for me is to remind me of how crummy my childhood was.  I have never been remotely interested in drugs, and so are many other people, and I hate being falsely accused.  That aside, the commercial is so overexposed, it's overkill. 

- Metevault

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well not really, do you know how many people are doing drugs right now? Do you know how young these people are? Good for you not doing drugs, but maybe if you turned off your damn tv instead of complaining about it...things would be better..