Wednesday, April 30, 2003


Although I've taken to taping shows simply to avoid annoying commercials, to be honest it's tedious, and besides who watches taped TV shows anyway since people only watch TV because when you're watching a broadcast you can pretend it's not as mediocre as you know it is when you have it on tape; we all know that TV is an excuse to procrastinate from doing anything better and so once you have the show on tape,  you can watch it ANYTIME whereas when it's a live broadcast you have to watch it NOW and run back from the kitchen to make sure you don't miss the season finale of "Frasier" that they're only going to show ONE more time ever again on that network but you don't know when, and then it's off to syndication, i.e. you might never see it again.

So clearly it's not quality people watch for, it's diversion and fantasy that it's better than it's even hyped to be (kinda like sex), and commercials are all about getting people to buy crap they don't want with money they don't have, while the way they insult your intelligence just to grab your attention is just like saying "HEY YOU STUPID MUTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE, HAND OVER THE CASH OR ELSE" without having the courage to admit it; however when someone implies that a certain close blood-related woman dropped me on my head as a baby and then went on to have sex with me, and that he wants my money under threat of disaster, at least the person has the decency to admit that he's my enemy and that he hates me, while the marketing-geniuses who spawn this intellectual torture actually act like they're on  your side and they're doing you some sort of favor by attempting to trigger emotional responses and subconscious correlations akin to Soviet brainwashing in order to hypnotize you into involuntarily forking out money to buy ice cubes to send to your pal in northern Alaska. Somehow I'd prefer that if someone insults my intelligence and wants my money under threat, I just ask that they do it directly and not resort to covert PSY-OPS propaganda to commandeer my private brain-activity under the guise of honest information about a product that I would perceive, on my own, to be worth more to me than the money asked in exchange for it, and so all the money which goes to manipulative hoop-la and huckster-hawking backed by buildings full of PhD's in advertising psychology is just for the sheer fun of it-- just like they would have us believe that they go through thousands of models to find the perfect "Maybelline Girl" for the hell of it, since any person could achieve that look simply by using their product, and that women who use 47 different products to attract men don't REALLY want male attention.

I was really impressed with your  handling of, since I for one DON'T believe he can reach the morning light, or that he's ever flown an F-15 that doesn't have a multi-player function on the internet. I also get sick of the slackers who think that changing the channel will do anything but encourage the evil ones in the advertising industry for whom no hell could ever burn too long or too hot, and would just as soon turn off Adolph Hitler preaching anti-Semitic hatemongering (we all see how well THAT turned out-- Qui Tacit Consentire)-- with apologies to Tim Robbins and the Dixie Chicks, free speech applies just as much to my right to expressing disapproval to some message that I find abhorrent, as much as it does to their right to originally say it; however, "Fighting Words" like those used by Mr. Weaver are NOT protected by the First Amendment (OR the Second), and it's interesting how those who speak most loudly about Free Speech are the first ones to engage in coercive and abusive conduct in order to suppress the Free Speech of those who criticize anything at all (of course this doesn't apply to their criticism of your criticism, since they're obviously on a mission from God to protect free speech and you've broken God's law by daring to criticize).

 All in all, I have to say you're the one on a mission from God, if there is one.


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