Monday, July 28, 2003


Get a life and stop being such a freakin snob.  Are you that anal you can not enjoy something for what it is, rather then pick it apart in a dillusionary waste of web space.  If you dont like Frost then dont drink it.  Go back to drinking water from the Alps.


Jason Bougie


Anonymous said...

Dude, I have a BAD last name, but come on... Bougie? Can I pick that apart?


Anonymous said...

The internet is entirely to small to waste on stupid things like this web site. Although most commercials are meant to be funny, some are pretty stupid. But... come on... to make a web site about it? Lame.....

Anonymous said...

I'd say if you don't like it, move on. You must even have more free time on your hands if you could bother to write here about it. As for me I haven't laughed this hard in a very long time reading his comments. I couldn't agree more on Nathan's take on these commercials.