Tuesday, September 28, 2004

McDonalds ad for new McNuggets, etc, "stay away from my..."

Hi Nathan,

I just have to tell you I hate the new ad campaign for McDonalds period.  But I hate the 2 commercials that have 1) a guy at the office near the photo copy machine eating McDonalds food saying "Stay away from my ...I don't know, McNuggets or what, but first of all, there's no body around you and no one is going after your food.  I hate everything about it. 2) the girl with the ugly clothes and hat on (are they trying to be hip for the late 20 to 30 something? - find a better outfit, you're NOT HIP) saying, "stay away from my ... bla bla bla food, I can't remember what specific food they are promoting, but they are trying too hard to be hip and cool and are sooooo not!  Their voices bug me, their commercial lines bug me.... and they are ALONE!...saying "stay away from my Mcnuggest" or whatever, NO ONE is around YOU that you have to stay away from,  but I ABSOLUTELY CAN'T STAND IT!  I complained to my husband about it when I first saw them and continue to see them. I always wanted to be in advertising and unfortunately never pursued my dream.  I always analyze commercials and HATE these new McDonalds ads, even the slogan "I'm loving it".  Do you know what advertising agency created these bogus ads???  I think I could do a much better job.  I know they are trying to break out of the kids commercials and focus on the gen X crowd + or -, but they are certainly not winning me over.  Am I just crazy or do you have an opinion about these 2 commercials I am referring to?

I read about you in the Boston Globe and cut it out saying "OH MY GOD", someone I can complain to other than my husband.  ...  Good job coming up with this idea for bad commercials. 

How has this (your web site) impacted any ad agencies and their clients thus far?


Jody Bowen

Marshfield, MA

ps: I feel so much better getting this off my chest!

1 comment:

Nathan Alexander said...

Hi Jody,

Thanks for your letter.
I'm so excited that someone besides my mother cut out my article in the newspaper.
Unless you're one of those ladies who cuts out everything and pins it to the wall serial-killer-style.

Sorry the ads piss you off. Hopefully now you'll be ranting about them to us instead of your husband.

Promoting marital peace. Ahhh.

Nathan Alexander