Saturday, September 04, 2004

Obnoxious TV Ads and Other Probs

Dear Nathan;

Watching TV whether on Cable or Network the same obnoxious ads appear more often than Jay Leno's political trash.  Ford Motor Company has the worst ads ever devised.  The latest ad repeated since June, A Focus and a Dell has me sick enough.  Then there exists the Focus ad showing the pathetic toy car parked at a curb with a voice-over saying "You might as well put me on cinderblocks, THAT'S FOCUS ABUSE, FOCUS ABUSE!"

To add insult to injury, Ford hammers one of my email Inboxes with their despicable promos insisting I purchase their damn Focus, Explorer or worse yet thei Expedition.  I would feel safer running across an Interstate than drive their worthless gas guzzling vehicles.  Are those idiots so clueless they believe their obnoxious ads encourage buyers to frequent their showrooms?  Think again Bill Ford.

Then there is the horrible furnture company ads (such as Illinois-based Darvin, Walter E. Smythe, etc. attempting to sell their overpriced hideous furniture selections absent thoughts of rejecting buyers due to poor advertising effectiveness.

McDonalds uses rap which I totallydespise only their food makes it more palable than Burger King ever could be.  Nothing worse than gaggling on stale, overcooked fast food that six malts could not wash down.

One other sector of ads are those produced by sadistic lawyers feeding on the misery of others pitting themselves as Public saviours Hell bent on picking up the proverbial pieces after an accident, excessive debt, personal injury, and other tragic occurences.  Hey people know what they need therefore remove those parasites from TV screens.

Drug ads are the worst of all commercials being allowed on TV networks where Pharmaceutical corporations such as Pfizer, Glaxo-Welcome, and the like have the 'magic' cure / treatments for everything from nail infections (Lamisil) to Herpes outbreaks (Valtrex).  The Public visit their doctors for specific treatments they need not be instructed.  There is ads for: Zoloft, Paxil, Singular, Viagra of all things, Elidel for treating exyma and related skin ailments, each with horrid side-effects that are far worse than the condition being treated. 

Films to burn: Farenheit 9/11, Mean Girls, Final Destination 2, 2 Fast 2 Furious, 8 Mile, I-Robot, Predator vs Alien, all media & products involving Mary-Kate and Ashley especially New York Minute.and the most obnoxious film made, Freddy Got Fingered.

One final note, Michael Moore is the epitome of a Marxist asshole posing as an artificial American and NEVER expect ANYONE to apologizing for speaking the cold truth concerning the John Kerry bed partner, just keep it off camera copish?  And enough with the yammering over Al Gore's alleged loss to Dubya, Gore walks strange due to his lack of a spine.  A protologist recently performed surgery on Al Gore and found his damn head.  Jay Leno has a lot of nerve constantly trashing Floridians for their alleged failure to vote Al Gore into the White House, yeah right like airheads even possess an intellect beyond common barn mice.  GET OVER IT LENO for that matter lose the asshole band leader Kevin Eubanks!  His insidious crocodile laughter almost makes Ford's worthless Focus and A Dell ads tolerable.

I am only getting warmed up for this where things stand for now.

Thank You For Listening,

Jay R

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