Monday, December 22, 2003

Jews and Christians in LA


Found your site looking for commercials.

I was struck about the Jews Don't Exist rant. I agree with you entirely, but
if you go even further, these fuckers even take most of the Christianity out
of Christmas, as well. It's like they're even fucking scared to do that
these days. They try to hit the middle so hard that they go right past
everyone and through the wall with there fat asses sticking out!

I mean, did you see ELF? Funny as hell, but like most of these things, it's
all turned into Santa Claus, who isn't even Christian. Shouldn't he be in
church Christmas Eve? Does fucking Santa Claus get nailed on the cross or
trek through the desert, or hide scared for his life in a closet during WWII
or anything? He's done nothing! Wasn't Santa Claus invented in the early
20th by an advertising firm? Funny they would elect one of their own
creations to take the place of any religious symbols! The list of offending
movies that just toss any religious context out the door is far longer than
any that even mention religion, other than as evil.

So what I am saying is, you're not alone. They've alienated everyone. Put
another way, have any parents through time told their kids that GOD doesn't
exist once they "outgrow" it? Why do we put kids through this trauma! Why
not just be honest and tell them Santa is a crock of shit!

Tongue planted firmly in cheek,

John P.

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