Friday, January 30, 2004

A commercial I hate.

Back during the ab-roller fad, there was a commercial for one in which the first thing you hear on the commercial is: Are you tired of that fat stomach?! They then go on to say that the ab roller "gives you the sexy body that YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED!"

For anyone like myself who has studied the effect that words have on our way of thinking two things can be said about this commercial:

1. The question "Are you tired of that fat stomach?" is a command to make you feel fat (after all, if you answer with a yes or no, you're telling yourself that you are fat).

2. In the second phrase: "gives you the sexy body that YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED!", they're implying that you've always wanted a better body than the one you have.

In other words, they break down your self esteem so you buy their shitty product. I shit you not, I wanted to break my T.V. when I first heard that fucked up commercial.

D.J. Bortz

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