Thursday, August 26, 2004


Hi Nathan,

Just wanted to let you know that I love you website. I don't remember the last time I laughed that hard. Your comments about commercials/adds are hysterical, and totally true. I grew up in southern California and now I'm going to school in Miami Florida, and although hard to believe, I think Miami commercials are even worse then Los Angeles.

One in particular drives me nuts... its a commercial for  "Checkers" a burger chain they don't have in CA (as far as I know) It shows a bunch of kids goofing off and eating burgers and the slogan is "You Gotta Eat". Wow! what genius figured that one out? Yes, I do have to consume food in order to live, that doesn't mean I have to eat your nasty crap!!!

Another one is for a furniture store... I think it's called City Furniture. They always show entire living room or dining room set outside with a beautifull setting behind it, which is particularly helpfull because I'm always shopping for a couch for my backyard.The spokeslady is also always sitting somewhere outside with a scene of a lake behind her. What the hell does that have to do with furniture?

Also, about the Gatorade thing... I have tried several of the new flavors with odd colors and names like Riptide Rush and found them disturbing. When I was in elementary school on career day my classmate's father who was a food flavoring chemist came in to speak to us. He said that those in his line of work had to be careful not to invent flavors that are unrecognizable to normal people because a product that a person could not identify with flavor-wise would be a huge flop. I guess Gatorade missed the memo. Well, that's all I have to say for now. Keep on with the fabulous add critiques.


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