Sunday, August 29, 2004

What is Going on with KFC's new ad camp?

Have you seen the absolutely ridiculous new commercials from KFC...With the T-shirts emblazoned with slogans like..."Ain't afraid to be chicken!"  WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING? or "Right wing, left wing, tastes the same to me!"  As I am writing from my desk, I am cracking up at the inanity of it all.  Chicken Capital USA?...I am actually speechless.  Apparently there is a tour also coming to a "town near you!", with a HUGE BUCKET OF CHICKEN...I can't even believe it...I really can't.  Chicken Capital USA?...What the f....

Elise Brita


Nathan Alexander said...

Hi Elise,

It seems to me that of all the ad campaigns we gripe about on Commercials I Hate,
none changes with more frequency and more perplexingly than KFC.
Maybe those folks are reading the website, and every time we don't like what they're doing, they change it.

That whole Kitchen Fresh Chicken thing lasted about 8 minutes.
I mean, the phrase "kitchen fresh" doesn't mean anything to anybody, it's entirely made up.

One day the KFC people will realize that people like "Fried Chicken".
Fried Chicken is good old fashioned Southern comfort food, people like to eat it, and "Kentucky Fried Chicken" is an acceptable name for a restaurant.


Anonymous said...

Um, also--and I may be wrong about this, but isn't it supposed to be "Chicken Capitol USA," with an O, instead of an A? It seems wrong, but nobody has really addressed this. Just curious.