Tuesday, April 27, 2004

note on one of your entries

Just happened across your site and I say Kudos!  Someone needs to show how stupid some commericals are!

One thing I saw I might comment on, however:

>Not saying what the product is or does
>Another brain-stumping error in the world of TV advertising.
>Most common with medication
>(you'd think it's an important detail, knowing what the medicine is for).

I have heard, though I am no lawyer and can't say for sure, that the real reason you so often see these medication commericals that do not clearly say what the product does is b/c there is some kind of Federal ruling that disallows these companies from doing just that for a specified amount of time.  There is some kind of waiting period, that makes no sense to me, but when a company with a new drug is able to start advertising it but they can't actually say verbatim in the ad what it does.  Don't ask me about the logic... I guess the drug companies found a loophole so they could at least get the name out there first.  Then later they are able to show both the name and what it does.  Go figure.

- Will Seay

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