Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Commercials I hate


   I found your website through an email newsletter called "The Mouthpiece". Just thought I'd drop you a line to let you know that I enjoyed it, as I've hated advertising for years. About the only commercial I actually like is a public service announcement that aired here in the "Inland Empire" a few years back that featured a fellow who was called Crack-head Bob, but I probably enjoyed it for all the wrong reasons.

   I got fed up with the garbage on television last year, and turned my cable box in, so I don't watch television at all these days, but I do listen to radio, and one of the ads that irritates me the most is for the Inland Center Mall. It's a holiday ad, which is bad enough, but it also throws in the tired old "men are stupid" chestnut, it also implies that women, ALL women, want jewelry and the only way to get it from their lazy, stupid husbands is via deceit. Too bad radio spots are a local phenomenon, otherwise, you'd probably lambaste them as well.

Keep up the good work,


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