Wednesday, February 11, 2004


Please excuse the outburst in the subject, but I just stumbled upon your site during a search for that accursed Quizno's commercial done by the... wierdo at I must say it's rather nice to see someone else taking offense to the patronizing ads around today. I just tend to bitch about and make fun of the commercials with my circle of friends (or the occasional stranger). Should you have time to answer, I have but one question for you: What's your opinion of the Dell 'bootcamp' commercial? If it is on your site, don't bother answering as I'm still working my way through. I work in a local computer repair shop and I found it amusing, to say the least. Dell's support is God-aweful (should you even be able to understand what they're saying whilst reading the 'support script'). 'Are you ready to quit yet?!' "I still don't know how to format a hard drive!" And you won't unless you take an A+ class. Um, yea. I do have one positive thing to say about the 'big-name OEM's... without them turning out crap, I would be unemployed.

Auf Wiederlesen!

- endy

P.S. - For a laugh, check out Gateway's rating at I've never seen it higher than 1.0 (that was for 3 hours).

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