Saturday, February 14, 2004

hey Nathan,

First off, this isn't a "what the *censored* is wrong with you?"
email. That's the good news. This also isn't a scathing rant on a
new commercial I think you should hate too. Nor is my name Melissa.

I am sincerely thinking about going into advertising as a career
choice and--I know I am probably shooting myself in the foot here
but what the heck--what would you suggest should be done about
commercials? What would make them better? Now's your chance to
talk to the future of the industry and I'm listening.

Lastly, I loved your site. Very humorous, very insightful. And
I've wasted enough of your time now. And I'm curious as to how
you're going to rip me apart.

Can't think of a good way to sign off on this,

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