Wednesday, February 04, 2004

a letter... it is true

I don't know what to do. Your views on those commercials that assume that we, the audience are of low-born, Neandrethal (wrong spelling somewhere) stock, are strong, lauding my praise and admiration for your gifted writing style which are at the same time, both scathing yet funny. However, the way some features of your website are done, like reviewing movies you have not watched and giving them less than favourable opinions, are very poorly thought true. Perhaps not involving a single thought process whatsoever.
And though I appreciate and laugh at your examining and deconstruction of complaint letters, releasing them on the brilliant invention that is the internet, allowing the population of the world to do the same as me and ridicule the poor souls, *takes a breath*, too much may be a bad thing. As you said before, they are only opinions. Opinions are heard, then analysed, then thrown away cause they are usually made when after ingesting alcoholic beverages or other narcotic substances anyways.

In the end, it settles down on the opinions. Yes, keep voicing out your great, intriguing opinions on the scummy advertisements in the world but please keep an open mind about things too. Maybe cultivate a sense of humour not bordering on sarcasm.

I suppose this letter would be made fun of too and placed for the world to see. With my nuances and every sentence seen, ridiculed then rejected. Thank God for the internet and the wonders of anonymity.

So to end my dilemma, I shall congratulate you on a hilarious website, your superb writing style and then tell you to piss off!

- Pang Ee Pin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe he should "cultivate a sense of humor not bordering on sarcasm". maybe you should cultivate a sense of humor. period.